Research & Publications
1 December 2021
SDG 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere
The first case study in this series focuses on the pan-African PE fund manager, Metier, and their commitment to building a world free of poverty through their investment in South African FMCG company, Nature’s Choice (Pty) Ltd.
Research & Publications
28 October 2021
PE et VC en Afrique
Une version française du rapport « Private Equity & Venture Capital in Africa - Covid-19 Response Report » produite par Oxford Business Group (OBG) en collaboration avec l’African Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (AVCA), a été publiée ce jour. Cette publication, fruit d’un partenariat entre OBG et HEC Paris, présente des données essentielles ainsi que des infographies relatives aux tendances actuelles et futures en matière de capital-investissement et capital-risque.
Research & Publications
7 October 2021
2021 H1 African Private Equity Data Tracker
A provisional look at 2021 half-year private equity activity in Africa, including funds, deals and exits.
Research & Publications
29 March 2021
2020 Annual African PE Data Tracker
We are pleased to present the AVCA Annual African Private Equity Data Tracker; a report showcasing 2020's African private equity fundraising, deals, and exits trends. This report also features regional spotlights and investment case studies.